
Solo : " Seasons Flow - 季節の中で生きている "

 "Seasons Flow " without an ad-lib 
(季節の中で生きている 、アドリブ無し) 

 composer : Kentaro SUZUKI 

Please subscribe to my channnel! チャンネル登録よろしくお願いします!!


Solo : " Sweltering Night - 熱帯夜 "

[en] Solo : “Sweltering Night”

[fr] Solo : “Nuit étouffante”

[jp] Solo “熱帯夜”


Provided my works for an italian fashon brand’s promo video

Provided my works for an italian fashon brand’s promo video

[en] Provided my works for an italian fashon brand’s promo video

[fr] Fourni mes œuvres pour la promo vidéo de une marque de mode italienne

[jp] イタリアのファッションブランドのプロモビデオに作品を提供しました


Rock Out!! #2

[en]This is a one man contrabass band project on Youtube in the field of Rock music

Play list "Rock Out!!"

Music composed, performed, mixed and Video edited by Kentaro SUZUKI

About this project : http://kentarosuzuki.com/blog/archives/tag/rockout

Please subscribe to my channnel!

Thank you for considering supporting my content creation. I need your help to continue.


Solo : "Echo and Entity - 残響と実体 "

[en]Solo : " Echo and Entity "
[fr] Solo: " l'echo et l'entité "
[jp] Solo : " 残響と実体 "


2nd presentation of Orbitalink’s Streaming Live project today

2nd presentation of Orbitalink’s Streaming Live project today

[en] It is the second and final presentation of Orbitalink’s streaming live today

[fr] c’est la deuxième et dernière présentation de Streaming Live d’Orbitalink aujourd’hui

[jp] 今日はOrbitalinkのストリーミング ライブの二日目で最終日


First presentation of Orbitalink’s Streaming Live project tomorrow.

First presentation of Orbitalink’s Streaming Live project tomorrow. (En) Finally it’s tomorrow, Orbitailink’s “Invasion” (Fr) Enfin c’est demain, “Invasion” d’Orbitailink (jp)いよいよ明日、Orbitailinkの”Invasion”


Orbitallink streaming performance “Invasion”

Orbitallink streaming performance “Invasion”

[en] This project (dance, music and visual …) will be presented online at the end of July

[fr] Ce projet ( danse, musique et visuel…) va etre présenté en ligne a la fin de mois de juillet

[jp] 7月末に(ダンス、音楽、ヴィジュアル)のオンライン上でのライブパフォーマンスがあります


The film [The Dream Manipulator MUGEN]’s news.

The film [The Dream Manipulator MUGEN]’s news.

[en] “The Dream Manipulator MUGEN”‘s news

[fr] Les nouvelles de “The Dream Manipulator MUGEN”

[jp] ”夢幻紳士 人形地獄”の最新情報

The film [The Dream Manipulator MUGEN]’s news. (Nice International Film Festival)

The film [The Dream Manipulator MUGEN]’s news. (Nice International Film Festival)

[en] The film “The Dream Manipulator MUGEN” is now available on Nice International Film Festival’s website.

[fr] Le film “The Dream Manipulator MUGEN” est disponible sur le site internet de Nice International Film Festival.

[jp] ”夢幻紳士 人形地獄”がNice International Film Festivalで公開されます。


Japanese melody 7 : "Tokoyo Ondo - 東京音頭"

 "Tokoyo Ondo" with an ad-lib (東京音頭、アドリブ有り)

 composer : Shinpei Nakayama arranged for solo contrabass by Kentaro SUZUKI

 about this song : http://kentarosuzuki.com/blog/archive...


New series of my Live Streaming

New series of my Live Streaming

[en] I will start a new series of Live Streaming

[fr] je vais commencer une nouvelle série de Live Streaming

[jp] ライブストリーミングの新しいシリーズ始めます


I started Live streaming on my youtube channel

I started Live streaming on my youtube channel

[en] I started Live Streaming on youtube
[fr] j’ai commencé Live Streaming on youtube
[jp] ユーチューブでライブストリーミング始めました


Japanese melody 5 : "Edo Lullaby - 江戸子守唄”

"Edo Lullaby" with an ad-lib

composer : unknown
arranged for solo contrabass by Kentaro SUZUKI

about this song : http://kentarosuzuki.com/blog/archive...

Blog : http://kentarosuzuki.com/blog/
ウェブサイト(日本語版): http://kentarosuzuki.com/
website(English version) : http://kentarosuzuki.com/en/
SIte Web(Version Française) : http://kentarosuzuki.com/fr/


Strings endorsed by SAVAREZ (model : Corelli 370M)

Please subscribe to my channnel!


Japanese melody 4 : "Oedo-Nihonbashi - お江戸日本橋"

"Oedo-Nihonbashi" with an ad-lib

composer unknown
arranged for solo contrabass by Kentaro SUZUKI

about this song : http://kentarosuzuki.com/blog/archives/928

Please subscribe to my youtube channel if you enjoy the video!


Japanese melody 3 : "Cherry blossoms, Cherry blossoms - さくらさくら"

"Cherry blossoms, Cherry blossoms" with an ad-lib (さくらさくら、アドリブ有り) composer unknown arranged for solo contrabass by Kentaro SUZUKI about this song : http://kentarosuzuki.com/blog/archive...


My 3rd home made contrabass part2

My 3rd home made contrabass part2

[en] A fingerboard made with polyester resin and sisal fiber.

[fr] Une touche en résine polyester et fibre de sisal.

[jp] ポリエステル樹脂とサイザル麻の繊維で指板を作製。


Japanese melody2 "Desert Moonlight - 月の沙漠"

"Desert Moonlight" with an ad-lib (月の沙漠、アドリブ有り) composed by Suguru SASAKI about this song : http://kentarosuzuki.com/blog/archives/904


Sound Blog 23 : Japanese melody

Sound Blog 23 : Japanese melody

[en] Kojo-No-Tsuki, (version arco with an ad-lib)

[fr] Kojo-No-Tsuki, (version en arche avec un ad-lib)



About album [Manipulated Dreams…] part3

About album [Manipulated Dreams…] part3

[en] About “Alone in the  dusk”, 1st track in the album

[fr] Sur “Alone in the dusk”, 1er morceau de l’album

[jp] 一曲目の”Alone in the  dusk”について


My 3rd home made contrabass part1

My 3rd home made contrabass part1

[en] Making my third homemade contrabass has been started

[fr] La creation de ma troisième contrebasse fait à la maison a été démarré

[jp] 3作目のコントラバスを製作開始


About album [Manipulated Dreams…] part2

About album [Manipulated Dreams…] part2

[en] Start composing in the usual process

[fr] Commencer à composer au processus habituel

[jp] いつもと同じ流れで曲を書き始める

プロトタイプ 2010年 " Les Blancs 1 "

[en] about this tune https://kentarosuzuki.wixsite.com/blog-en/post/prototype-2010 [fr] à propos de ce morceau https://kentarosuzuki.w...