
impro music concert and a thought…

impro music concert and a thought…

(en) impro music concert and a thought

(fr) musique impro et une pensée

(jp) 即興音楽コンサートと考えた事


to England for duo with Minjung Lee

to England for duo with Minjung Lee:

(en)Go to England tomorrow for duo concerts with Minjung Lee

(fr)Aller en Angleterre demain pour les concerts de duo avec Minjung Lee


The Dream Manipulator MUGEN

The Dream Manipulator MUGEN

(en)The film “The Dream Manipulator MUGEN” at “Kohan Film Festival”.

(fr)Le film “The Dream Manipulator MUGEN” au “Kohan Film Festival”.

(jp)映画「夢幻紳士 人形地獄」が湖畔の映画祭で。

プロトタイプ 2010年 " Les Blancs 1 "

[en] about this tune https://kentarosuzuki.wixsite.com/blog-en/post/prototype-2010 [fr] à propos de ce morceau https://kentarosuzuki.w...